Mount Diablo Pilots Association:
Tips from Space — Feb. 20, 2015

This was a lot of fun.

Right outside was the airfield where I had first soloed in 2004. The sky was clear (pilots have a habit of looking up) and the control tower had its night-time beacon on, green and white blinking across the runways at me.

Addressing this group of pilots, most of them having decades of experience compared to my one-plus decade, made me a bit nervous. I have great respect for aviators. I know how hard they work to be up there. And here they were to hear the course I had charted: from lowly student pilot to flight instructor, from aviator to my training to leave the grip of earth’s gravity in the ‘beast’ at NASTAR.

Afterward, I stayed around to answers other questions and talk airplanes we’ve loved and flown. The next day I got this message from a fellow (female) pilot:

I personally would like to thank you for speaking with MDPA last night. You are an amazing lady and your enthusiasm for flight and space has truly inspired me to go forward to fly again. Only this time no excuses or interruptions

My night there with them was one of the best.