Intuition – Cosmic Whispers – and What’s Next

Intuition is defined as a sixth sense, a voice that points to what we know as ‘something’, and a deeper wisdom that eludes definition. Intuition brings insight, creates choices, and changes lives.
Are you intuitive? Here are some signs that you are, according to the Huffington Post, where Arianna Huffington, editor-in-chief and author of ‘Thrive’, explains how intuition helps us create. Do you:

  • Listen to your inner voice
  • Take time for solitude and reduce distractions
  • Create new ideas, new ‘what if’s’ and discoveries
  • Observe the subtle and small things
  • Connect with others by face-to-face observing and listening, to boost compassion and empathy

Each minute, about 40 thoughts whip around your head. That’s over 50,000 thoughts a day, according to the researcher. What’s in our heads? Some useful reminders (pick up the children,) some new ideas (‘what if…’) and repeat messages, like recycled material that may only be a load of never-ending annoyances, (why did he do that—what a mess…)
Cosmic Whispers—100 years ago Albert Einstein suspected a voice was out there, but had not been detected: Until now. Starting with ‘what if,’ his intuition and science motivated others to create a detection system. They listened and finally captured a new sound, in just a whisper. But it’s enough of signal that proves we have a new way to look at our universe. That will result, eventually, in new ways we connect to each other. It will take a while, maybe into the next generation, but harnessing this new knowledge will bring great gifts to humankind.
What’s Next—from intuition to gravitational waves to YOU. Using your inner wisdom will create new directions in your life and the lives of those around you. Within the thousands of daily thoughts, take time to watch the reaction to a word or a touch. Your inner voice knows when there is something meaningful. Ask someone to watch how you respond to your words when you answer: “How would I change my story? What would be the first step?” Psychology Today calls it empathic accuracy; the “seemingly magical ability to map someone’s mental terrain from their words, emotions and body language.”
Start with ‘what if’. They are the words used by anyone who has made a difference to their lives and lives everywhere.

How would you make a new and positive change? Gravitational Waves and What That Means

Image: NASA, NSF’s LIGO Has Detected Gravitational Waves (