AIAA Conference 2015

The GravityGames1.0 concept is presented at AIAA. Then demonstrated on the ISS in 2018

Co-founder, Kinoo, Inc.  

Finding solutions for space often results in finding solutions for earth, a win-win because of a cross-over, or translational, outcome. Risks to astronaut health include social isolation and families on earth are suffering from this too (data show more so since the Covid pandemic.) In the course of developing new countermeasures with meaningful connections that mitigate isolation risks in space, Kinoo was founded for families on earth. 

Kinoo helps families to connect, play, and learn  —  with purpose. 

Kinoo won 1st Place in the 2021 AARP INNOVATION LABS competition from among hundreds of startup entries from across the country. Kinoo was chosen as the top new tech that will connect families as they grow and age. Kinoo’s innovation is a breakthrough for connectedness, needed as much in our society as for space.

Press Release: November 2, 2021

Kinoo® Introduces a New Way for Families to Connect Virtually — Kinoo uses AR and a wireless wand to transform family video chats into interactive play and learning experiences: Now available for the Holidays 2021

[Photo Credit: NASA]